Ok. School starts in one week and still, nothing is planned for my home school adventure except school supplies have been purchased. My friend and I are trying to come up with a little curriculum, but nothing going so far. Every time I try to do anything my littlest gets into some sort of poison or food item and scatters it everywhere or tries to paint her own nails or any other terrible thing that could come to mind. It has probably happened in the past 2 months. I can't even get my bathroom cleaned and the food on the table in any sort of time.
Well, A whole week has gone by since I saved this draft and now we are T minus 3 days until I need some sort of schedule for this house. So far I have a chore system and a reward system. So that helps. IF I can get them to follow it. We were away in New York enjoying the lake we so love and it was peaceful. I tried VERY hard to not think about what was waiting for me at home(trash I forgot to empty, a moldy washer I forgot to leave open, and apparently sewage gasses were running amok in our bathroom while we were gone). Now we are back and I am trying to get some laundry done before the kids wake up in 5 hours! So I better go!
I will be posting food pics and challenge info! Keep watching. You know, if you want!
I am a homemaker and a wife of a tolerant husband with children who keep me crazy but happy. After being diagnosed with adult ADD I have decided to makeover my life! With a little help from my friends and family--and a few hundred cans of spray paint lets see what happens!
I'll keep watching! your a great writer!